EBA Kalimantan Fieldwork 2024

East Kalimantan, Indonesia, June 2024


EBA Kalimantan Fieldwork 2024 Participants

Authored by: Rayhan Egar

Malang, 06 January 2025

In June-July 2024, a member of ICN Lab., Dzaki Rafif Malik (Informatics Eng. 2021) embarked on a 7-day fieldwork under the program of Evidence Based Approach (EBA) Project, part SOI Asia. In this program hosted by Bandung Institute of Technology’s Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD ITB), participants learned and utilized the EBA approach to tackle some challenges and to provide solutions in regard to urban sustainability. This program aimed to shed some light on the concept of sustainable city as it took place in Indonesia’s new capital city, Ibukota Nusantara (IKN).

During the fieldwork, participants first learned about the EBA methodology consisting of four main components: data collection, data analysis, data visualization and storytelling. Following this methodology, participants observed the interconnection of human, culture and natural resources as part of a sustainable urban development while exploring the field of East Kalimantan.

There are some research questions that participants have to answer during the fieldwork:

  1. What is the definition of an ideal, sustainable city?
  2. How rapid and massive development of the region, coupled with multicultural conditions transform the aspect of nature, human and culture in its surrounding?
  3. What could we do, relating to our major, to respond to this information?
  4. What solution could we make/propose regarding the transformation?

As the third research question highlighted, the participant composition for this fieldwork is pretty diverse: from art and design, computer science, engineering, mathematics and natural science.

In this one-week fieldwork, participants observed the development of IKN, visiting Samarinda and Balikpapan, local communities and environmental organizations in East Kalimantan. Participants first received an in-class training at ITB Jakarta regarding the workshop before going to IKN and other places in East Kalimantan: BOSF Orangutan Conservation, Sungai Bawang village, Tirtonegoro Foundation and SMAN 1 Samarinda.

At the end of this fieldwork, participants proposed different solutions, concerns and suggestions to answer the aforementioned research questions. Online presentation sessions were held online on Aug 27, 2024. Learn more about the report and the outcomes at https://eba.soi.asia/protfolio/kalimantan2024.

Contact and Information

For more information and inquiries about the ICN Lab, please contact us through:
Email: icn@.ub.ac.id
Address: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Gedung F Lt. 9.6, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Malang, 65145, Indonesia

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