APIE Camp 03 USM 2024
USM, Penang, Malaysia, February 2024

ICN Lab members (Reqyan, Seto, Nanda, Daffa) at Penang, Malaysia for APIE Camp 03 USM 2024
Authored by: Rayhan Egar
Malang, 06 January 2025
On February 26, 2024, four ICN Lab members, Daffa Putra Narendra, Ananda Fitra Diraja, Seto Aji, and Reqyan Lazuardi, had the opportunity to attend training held by the Asia Pacific Internet Engineering Program (APIE) in Penang, Malaysia. The five-day program was attended by students from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan. Reliable mentors from various institutions joined to guide the participants, including from APNIC, AWS, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), and Keio University.
The main activity of the course was a project task to build a router that can connect to the Internet using global IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) in an AI3 network. The participants were given a different training each day.
###Day 1: Network Design and Configuration Participants explored the principles of effective network design and configuration to support optimal connectivity.
###Day 2: Server Installation and Virtualization Focus on the introduction and practice of server installation and virtualization concepts to support network infrastructure.
###Day 3: DNS Setup This day of training focuses on the Domain Name System (DNS) setup and configuration process for domain name management.
###Day 4: IoT and Cloud Computing (AWS) The material covers aspects of the Internet of Things (IoT) and provides practical insights into cloud computing through the AWS platform.
###Day 5: Visit to Exabytes A valuable opportunity to visit Exabytes, as well as present the assignments that had been given.
The workshop provided a valuable experience that not only enriched the students' knowledge, but also opened up opportunities to expand their international network. May their participation in APIE Camp 03 be a stepping stone to higher achievements in the world of information technology.
Contact and Information
For more information and inquiries about the ICN Lab, please contact us through:
Email: icn@.ub.ac.id
Address: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Gedung F Lt. 9.6, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Malang, 65145, Indonesia
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