ICN Open Recruitment and Internship 2024
FILKOM, UB, Malang, Indonesia, October-November 2024

ICN Peers during weekly workshop
Authored by: Rayhan Egar
Malang, 06 January 2025
As part of ICN Lab. student core member regeneration initiatives, ICN Lab conducted its second open recruitment and internship as its end-year program. This annual program ran in the span of two months: from October to November, 2024. The open recruitment process, including a one-month internship, consisted of three phases: offline interview process, internship and project presentation.
In its first phase, 90+ applicants were interviewed where 35 of the interviewees made it to the internship phase. Nicknamed as ‘the peers’, student interns worked their way in designing and deploying their network from the ground up both in individual and group settings. For the individual project, the peers were required to come with a network case scenario where they must implement some key networking technologies including, but not limited to IPv4 and IPv6, VLAN, OSPF, BGP, DHCP and NAT utilizing GNS3 software. In the span of 4 weeks, a weekly offline workshop was held where peers were required to present their progress and challenges.
- Week 1: IPv4 and IPv6, switch and router, DHCP and routing protocols (static routing, RIP and OSPF)
- Week 2: Virtual LAN (VLAN), Network Address Translation (NAT) and IPv6 implementation
- Week 3: Topology and networking exploration, GNS3 hands-on session and presentation
- Week 4: Final project presentation and discussion, internship closing
As part of an immersion networking experience, peers worked in groups in designing and configuring real, physical networking devices. This process included steps from crimping Ethernet cables, configuring routers and switches, configuring routing protocols and to deploy them. By the end of the program, peers developed a fully-working network mimicking the enterprise environment. By the end of the open recruitment and internship program, we hoped that our peers could grow their interest in computer networking and to give them hands-on experience. We wish them the best of luck!
Contact and Information
For more information and inquiries about the ICN Lab, please contact us through:
Email: icn@.ub.ac.id
Address: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Gedung F Lt. 9.6, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Malang, 65145, Indonesia
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